Sunday, September 12, 2010

Decorating with plates

I have seen wall plates everywhere this year. So, I thought I would try myself. It was actually very easy. Just find some plates that you love, hot glue some ribbon on the back and tie, viola! Be careful when hanging however, I dropped one of my english abby plates:(  But,  just love the way my picture wall has turned out!


Andie said...

I love that idea! I have a couple of lonely plates that have survived the older kids learning to wash dishes, and they're my favorites. I should find a way to incorporate them into my decor :)

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Your wall looks so pretty. What adorable pictures, and the plate is perfect with them. I'm so sorry you broke one of your plates. Thank you for linkig to Favorite Things Sat. laurie

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